Eye Exercises for Better Eyesight

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Eye Exercises for Better Eyesight
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The modern way of life often strains our eyes with screen time and close-up work. Although we have glasses and contact lenses to assist us, there are particular exercises you can practice daily to actually improve your eyesight. These exercises help relax your eyes, as well as increase flexibility and strength of your eye muscles, resulting in healthier vision. Therefore, in this blog, we will share some must-do exercises for better vision.

Exercises for Better Eyesight

Maintaining good eyesight is something we all strive for. Glasses and contacts or even surgery are the common ways to enhance your vision but there are other natural ways to get better at seeing. Eye exercises help strengthen your eye muscles in addition to keeping your eyes healthy. Try these eye exercises to get into the habit of taking care of them!


It is a relaxation exercise that is used to relieve stress and strain in the eyes. 

  • Sit in a comfortable position, rub your palms against each other until they become warm.
  • Close your eyes and gently place your palms over them. Make sure you don’t press down on your eyeballs.
  • Take a moment to breathe deeply for 1-2 minutes and visualize darkness or a peaceful image.

This exercise relaxes and rejuvenates you since it draws tension away from the eye muscles and reduces strain.


Blinking is a natural way to refresh your eyes and prevent them from becoming dry.

  • Sit up straight and blink your eyes quickly for about 20 seconds.
  • Then, close your eyes and relax your mind for 20 seconds.
  • Repeat this 5-7 times.

This exercise stimulates tear production to prevent dry eyes and it is helpful for focusing and concentration resulting in improved eyesight.

Near and Far Focusing

These exercises target the flexibility and strength of your eye muscles. 

  • Get into a comfortable position and lengthen your arm until your thumb is about 10 inches in front of your face.
  • Look at your thumb for 5-10 seconds. Once you have a firm picture of it in your mind, switch your gaze to something else that is about ten to twenty feet away for another 5-10 seconds.
  • Focus on your thumb, then focus on the distant object.
  • Repeat this exercise 10 times.

It helps in toning the eye muscles thereby enhancing the flexibility of the eyes. Enhances our ability to switch focus.


This exercise aims at enhancing the levels of eye coordination. 

  • Imagine in front of you, there is a large figure 8 lying on its side. Its distance from you is approximately 10 feet.
  • Now with your eyes follow the figure 8 while imagining that the figure joins up in the middle of the 8.
  • Perform this for 30 seconds, then switch the direction of rotation.

It improves and exercises the muscles located in the eyes that are used in tracking objects.


This exercise is for relaxing and stretching the muscles around the eyes and is done by rolling them upwards and holding for some time. 

  • Stand or be seated comfortably.
  • Raise your eyes and slowly move them around your head in circles first to the right and then to the left.
  • Perform this exercise 5 times on each side.

It also reduces puffiness and swelling around the eye area. Which is very impotent in order to improve one’s eyesight.


These exercises are performed  to stimulate, strengthen the near vision and improve visual acuity.  

  • Sit comfortably and without bending your arm at the elbow- Stretch it out to the side and point toward the ceiling with your thumb.
  • Try to concentrate on the position of your thumb as you gradually move it towards the eyes and overlap it when it becomes fuzzy.
  • Return the thumb to the initial position and do it ten times.

It also strengthens the muscle tissue of the eyes and helps to expand the muscles to be able to cover a wider area.


It is advisable to ensure that these specific eye exercises are adopted as part of your daily activities for them to help in the natural enhancement and maintenance of good vision regardless of whether you are trying to urgently sway your eyes to get rid of eye strain, are a worker who needs to constantly shift focus between near and far, or a child looking to improve eyesight, these exercises are beneficial. 

It is also important to take a break especially when operating close to the screen or small objects to reduce eye strain. Perform these eye exercises on a daily basis and you will see your vision improve. Your eyes are important and should be treated as such, start taking proper care now! 

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