The world’s first AI symptom checker that supports text, photos, videos, and audio to determine your results

... with unprecedented accuracy between 85-99%.

⚡ Cough analysis to analyze respiratory conditions
⚡ Speech assessment for detecting mental health 
⚡ Facial recognition to detect 21 health metrics including blood glucose, cortisol, and blood pressure
⚡ Photo analysis to recognize skin conditions and STDs

… & so much more! (so that nobody doubts you when you’re sick! 😉🤧)

Get early access to our cutting edge technology!

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“This is like, WebMD on steroids.”

“The crazy thing, is like, I thought I had a rash. Using AI-MD I learned that it was actually a flesh eating condition. I got to the emergency quickly and prevented permanent scarring. I can’t believe this is actually a thing.”

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